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Building Dreams: Finding Personal and Financial Freedom Through Healing

Building Dreams is the book that pulls back the curtain on why you haven’t reached the levels of success you dream of. This book is a guide through and beyond the obstacles that have kept you from building your most abundant life.

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"Many people want success, but they find themselves at the intersection of confusion and burnout."

In 2020, we hit our first million dollar year in business. Sounds blissful, right? Well, I wish that was the story. Instead, this was the year when I hit the point of burnout in our business.  I was emotionally and physically defeated, and I knew I could no longer continue living this way. Hitting this point of burnout thrust me into a journey of self discovery and personal healing.

Along this journey, I was confronted with traumas from my past, and I went through some serious soul-searching to overcome these obstacles. While this process was uncomfortable, I believe it was completely necessary to enjoying a life of self acceptance. In this book, I'm sharing my journey in hopes that my story will inspire you to find personal and financial freedom through healing.

  • Create awareness about the subconscious blocks between you and your success
  • Move you through grief, shame, fear, and limitations
  • Help you shed disempowering beliefs and programming
  • Reveal how your past creates your present
  • Help you recognize and break the patterns of generational trauma
  • Stop and prevent burnout
  • Shine a light down the path of success and financial freedom
  • Teach you the magic of money management
  • Open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities

Inside this book, you'll discover how to:

reader reviews

"You NEED this book! It is a true testament to your past doesn’t define your future."

From the book, the conversation with my husband and I has changed. Freedom means something so much deeper than a big house and a nice car. I love this book! It’s like a guide for life! Becky guides you through HOW to build your dreams! Complete with worksheets to help you do a deeper dive. 10/10!

Amanda B.

"I couldn't put this book down!!"

If you truly want the steps and tracks to run on toward financial freedom, you NEED to read this book. Becky has written it with the steps to take toward your own healing, growth, and ultimately, SUCCESS! You will see the change you want in your life by implementing the principles that she teaches!

Morgan I.

"You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll be so deeply moved reading Becky's book."

It may seem cliche to say, but it is 100% true that Becky is truly down to earth, humble, and an amazing human. Her desire to serve and inspire others with her message is felt in every page of this book. She doesn't hold back or sugarcoat the tough times that made her who she is today. This book is a MUST READ for those who want to better themselves and their lives, go after big goals and rock at life. Becky gives you the formula to do all of that. Her story and this book will help put you on the right path to build your own dreams.


"Grab your copy now, and I promise you won't be disappointed!"

Becky tells an inspiring story of how she overcame some of life’s biggest hurdles and how she went from nothing to THRIVING. It’s true what they say that your past does not dictate your future and Becky is living proof of that. This book serves as a great reminder of how important it is to break our traumatic generational cycles and that if you can DREAM IT you CAN and WILL achieve it.

Loryn S.

"Hands down the BEST book!!!"

This book is a MUST read!! I will tell you, I'm not a reader...at all! But.. I wanted this book not only because the author Becky is local to me but because we are working towards our goals and building our dreams! The Building Dreams book not only teaches you how to build your dreams but also teaches you how to navigate and heal from family issues. This book is very easy to read along with some work pages, the work pages are so awesome!! Way to go Becky on your book, I have recommended your book to many others who will also enjoy it as much as I did!!

Brittany B.

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Building Dreams: Finding Personal and Financial Freedom Through Healing