I answer to a lot of titles―mom, wife, author, entrepreneur. But at the end of the day, I'm just a human figuring it out as I go. And, this is the space where I share my experiences with you.
with love, Becky
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Our motto used to be (and kind of still is)… ‘When you’re done with work, you can work!’
On our recent vacation to Montana, we were asked what we normally do for fun during the summer. And we replied with blank stares… “Uh, well until recently we worked.” That’s what we do for fun. Work. The only time we are not working is usually when we are on vacation. And even still, we are making phone calls and Noah wants to go home and get back to WORK.
Sure, we have hobbies. Noah goes hunting in the fall. Ok, maybe just Noah has a hobby. I haven’t had time for a hobby in so long that I’m not even sure I have one anymore. There was a time I would have said horseback riding. Now I’d say something like building businesses and catching chickens — do those count??
When we aren’t rehabbing or building or buying homes, rentals or commercial properties, we are working on rehabbing our farm and taking care of our kids. We grew up on farms in Wisconsin – for us and for our friends, “vacation” was spending time at the county fair. But this summer, we took a trip. A trip for the whole family to one of my favorite places – Glacier National Park in Montana. And I learned why we workaholics needed it. Here’s why vacationing is important to us:
1. If we don’t trap ourselves on a vacation where we get at least 5 hours away from home, we will not peel ourselves away from work. We NEED to peel away from work every now and again! We can get so caught up in it that afternoon meetings flow right into working through the evening and we forget about lunch until it’s dinner time. It’s TOUGH raising a family that way!
2. The hustle will get you to your goals, but it can also get you reeeeeal burnt out. Taking a vacation – even a short one – can help you get ahead of the burnout.
3. As an educator, this one is maybe my favorite. I believe in incorporating a variety of learning styles into any experience: sensory, auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Traveling gives you an inherent opportunity to LEARN in so many ways, without even trying!
Over the last ten years, I learned to strongly dislike the hustle. I can’t hate it because it’s what helped me get here, but what I want to tell you right now is that there is a better way. There is hope for you my friend, and that hope includes a BREAK from the hustle that goes beyond vacation and into a lifestyle change.
That’s why I’m writing a book, that’s why I’m launching a podcast and that’s why I’m finally using my two teaching degrees to teach you how to reach financial freedom without the burnout — and enjoy a few vacations along the way!
I cannot wait to see you in the other side!
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