Introduction Today I am thrilled to share with you the story behind my upcoming book, “Building Dreams: Finding Personal and Financial Freedom Through Healing,” set to launch in 2024. As I sit here with my laptop, a notebook, and a pen, surrounded by the tranquillity of a snowy forest, I am doing the final read-through […]

Entrepreneurship, Financial Freedom, Healing, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Why I Wrote My Book: Building Dreams, Finding Freedom, and Sharing Resilience

Welcome to the all-new Building Dreams Network, your go-to place where inspiration meets action to construct the life of your dreams. I’m Becky Hurley, and today I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes video as I move out of my office, a space filled with dreams, challenges, and the echoes of my journey. Join me as I unveil […]

Inspiration, Lifestyle

Building Dreams: A Journey of Silence, Triumphs, and Inner Healing

Tropical Vacay Booked. My heart was pitter pattering. I had all the guilt, the, “I’m not gonna do this” thoughts running through my head. I told my husband that I’ll just stay home and work on digging up and RE-doing the flower beds for Spring instead. I told him he was going to have to […]


Time to Celebrate

Becky and Noah holding hands

We celebrate 10 years of marriage this year. Two babies, several businesses, lots of great times, lots of hard times. Being the teacher that I am, I took the opportunity to reflect on our marriage by identifying and sharing 10 key lessons we’ve learned together.


10 Lessons in 10 Years of Marriage